In fact, an Option type is isomorphic to a collection with at most one element, which means that it can implement all the collection APIs and thus be used like any other collection. You can also think of it as a collection of length "at most one". This is typically called an Option or Maybe type. Many languages / standard libraries have a type that represents the concept of "a value that may or may not be there" (or "zero or one of some thing"). Some common approaches to deal with this problem are: Return an optional type for parseInt there are countably infinite valid inputs and countably infinite invalid inputs.) There are typically at least as many invalid inputs as there are valid ones. Following are a few examples that showcase the usage and how it converts a float to a whole number.Parsing functions are a complex beast, because they must be designed to fail. The Math.floor() function rounds off the value passed as a parameter to the next lower integer value. We can use the following methods for this purpose. Unlike the bitwise operators, these offer additional features based on requirements like rounding off values to the nearest numbers, truncating values, etc. We can use the JavaScript Math library, which has various functions to get integers from floating-point numbers. Convert Float to Int Using Math Library Functions in JavaScript Hence, we get the integer number part of the float value. The bitwise operators operate on the signed 32-bit numbers ignoring the decimal value. In JavaScript, floating-point numbers are represented by 64 bits, with one bit reserved for preserving the sign value (positive or negative), 32 bits for the whole number part.Any number more than 2147483647 will give unexpected results. The maximum value supported for getting the decimal value truncated is 2147483647 (2 31-1). Bitwise operators like the OR, NOT etc., when applied on large numbers, may give unexpected results.Bitwise operators are faster as it is closest to the machine language and doesn’t need to perform additional check or operations as would be done internally by the parseInt() or Number.toFixed().Applying OR with 0 to any floating-point number in the acceptable range will return the whole number part of the floating-point value. It converts the operand number to binary, and then the bit by bit OR operation is executed. The bitwise operators function at the binary level. We can use the bitwise OR operator to get the whole number part of a floating-point number. We can use the following bitwise operators for the conversion.

The bitwise operators are efficient, fast, and per-formant in converting the float values into an integer when compared to the two methods. Both of these execute some internal operations to get the desired results. We have seen the methods of parseInt() and the Number.toFixed(). Convert Float to Int With Bitwise Operators in JavaScript Unlike the parseInt() function, string value conversion to float is not supported by Number.toFixed(). One can use this function to convert only float values.Unlike the parseInt() method, Number.toFixed() is not that famous for extracting the integer part, as it does a round-up of the float value passed as a parameter.